Watch the Practice Area Series Today

The Practice Area Series at a Glance:

    1. Welcome

    2. Why We Created the Practice Area Series

    3. How the Practice Area Series Was Created

    4. What You Will Learn in the Practice Area Series

    1. Overview of Antitrust

    2. Working in Antitrust

    3. Advice for Law Students

    1. Overview of Appellate Litigation

    2. Working in Appellate Litigation

    3. Advice for Law Students

    1. Overview of Bankruptcy

    2. Working in Bankruptcy

    3. Advice for Law Students

    1. Overview of Climate Solutions & Renewable Energy

    2. Working in Climate Solutions & Renewable Energy

    3. Advice for Law Students

    1. Overview of Emerging Companies & Venture Capital

    2. Working in Emerging Companies & Venture Capital

    3. Advice for Law Students

Looking to find the right practice area for you? Hear what senior attorneys have to say about their practice to find your perfect fit.

  • 21 Interviews
  • 21 Practice Areas
  • 63 Segments